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Crafted from the finest burr walnut, this card table is a symphony of rich hues and intricate patterns. The mesmerizing burr figuring, a testament to nature’s artistry, dances across the surface, inviting you to trace your fingers along the unique patterns that only time and meticulous handiwork can create. The fold-over top, a hallmark of practicality and elegance, conceals a spacious playing surface lined with green felt, ideal for card games.

A delightful secret lies in the depths of this remarkable piece. Discover a hidden drawer nestled within, a testament to the ingenuity of its craftsmanship. Perfectly integrated, this secret compartment adds an element of intrigue and nostalgia, inviting you to imagine the stories it has safeguarded over the years.

Completing the piece’s functionality is the pull-out rear leg, a subtle innovation that provides sturdy support when the top is opened, ensuring stability during your gaming sessions or moments of conviviality. The rear leg elegantly disappears when not needed, maintaining the table’s graceful appearance.

As a testament to its authenticity and charm, this table showcases the design aesthetics of the 19th century, where practicality met artistry in perfect harmony. Its gentle curves, finely carved details, and the warm luster of the burr walnut radiate an air of sophistication that transcends time.


98.0W x 49.0D x 73.0H





